Contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - +44 20 7459 4878 - with your Tender writing and bid applications or business development needs
001: Commerciality, Business Planning
002: Root Cause Analysis
003: Assertiveness in Action
004: Body Language Training
005: Brainstorming Techniques
006: Building Relationships
007: Business Networking
008: Business Presentations
009: Communicating Difficult Messages
010: Conflict Handling
011: Emotional Intelligence at Work
012: Influencing Skills
013: Listening Skills
014: Managing Difficult Behaviours
015: Presentation Skills
016: Questioning Skills
017: The Art of Negotiation
018: Train the Trainer
019: Communicating with Customers
020: Complaint Handling
021: Customer Excellence
022: Dealing with Phone Rage
023: Effective Customer Care
024: Good, Bad & Ugly Customer Service
025: Risk Assessment
026: Absence Management
027: Bullying & Harassment
028: Dealing with Redundancy
029: Discipline in the Workplace
030: Induction Training Design
031: Interview Skills
032: Performance Management
033: Talent Management
034: Writing a CV
035: Coaching at Work
036: Coaching Skills for Managers
037: Great Leadership Skills
038: Leading Effective Teams
039: Leading Meetings
040: Managing a Virtual Team
041: Managing Performance
042: Planning for Change
043: Success with Change
044: The Power of Influence
045: Anxiety at Work
046: Mentor Training
047: Participating in Meetings
048: Prioritising & Planning
049: Professional E-mails
050: Report Writing
All our courses are run by qualified, industry specialists.
Whilst we have "off-the-peg" courses as outlined above, all of our training courses and programmes will be contextualised for your business. In addition, we are able to construct programmes containing elements of the above into one course or provide a range of training that is not listed above, suitable to your requirements.
Contact our specialist training team today with your requirements on
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